I was introduced to the Entrepreneurs Advocates Club (EAC) in a weird way. I noticed that about three of my friends used to post the same flyers during the week. It was like they were promoting the same businesses. I got intrigued and asked one what was happening? Is this a club? Like what is going on?
She informed me that she is part of EAC. I asked her yes, what is it? She replied,” A club for entrepreneurs”. It is a club where entrepreneurs support each other. Being me, I asked if I could join. Imagine my shock when she said that there was a waiting list and I would have to hold on. I thought ,ok this is more serious than I thought.
Later that week, I was added to the whatsapp group. My goodness, was I in for a surprise!! This group was not for jokes. The new members were quickly oriented. We learnt the vision,mission and guidelines of the club. This group has members in various fields from content creation, marketing, travel, catering, gifts,and so many others.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead
Entrepreneurs Advocates Club
EAC is a family of entrepreneurs who meet to discuss opportunities and challenges they face and in the end, everyone goes with a solution.
To create a family-based entrepreneurship community where everyone is a winner
To make it possible for fellow entrepreneurs to gain visibility, market share and profit through networking, partnerships, dynamic and marketing accountability.
- God above
- Transparency/Honesty
- Family-based/Partnership
- Dynamic
- Accountability
- Equity
- Empowerment
Who has my money!
This group is totally awesome. When I say family, that is exactly what happens. It has been such a refreshing experience being part of a group where everyone is rooting for you.
My first week in the group had us have a training on customer service. You think a training can not take place on whatsapp. Think again! My eyes were opened to new ways of customer service.
Every Wednesday and Saturday is Promotion day where the club is divided into two groups. Each group has a day where the whole club of about 50 members posts the flyers of the designated members on their WhatsApp status. This has been most awesome. People have gotten sales by those WhatsApp statuses. I can attest because I am in talks with a client because of that.
Collaboration over competition
I asked members what EAC was all about and one member had this to say…
Entrepreneurship is so hard. It is a jungle out there with the mentality of man eats man but what if this story is rewritten? What if instead of competing, we are collaborating. I have seen the fruits of this collaboration. Can we make use of our social media that has been used to slander others and gossip and turn it and promote your fellow entrepreneur? EAC is doing exactly that!! It is possible.
All I can say is WHO HAS YOUR MONEY!!
This is Day 10 of the Afrobloggers WinterABC 2021. We are on the Business and Tech week so I wanted to highlight this amazing club of entrepreneurs who are redefining doing business in Uganda. We can achieve so much if we do it together. Thank you Entrepreneurs Advocates Club!
So what are you doing in your entrepreneurship journey? Share with us so that we may advocate for you as well.
Awww beautiful read right here
A proud member of EAC.
Beautifully wrote. Thanks Patricia
Oh wow good to know such a community exists . How does one find it if I may inquire.
Thanks for sharing on this
Indeed who has our money. Thanks Pat,this is well articulated. The bond EAC members share is unbeatable. Great write up. Molly (Masterpiece House of Pastries)
This is beautiful
I need to research about them more
Yes please do. You will be amazed
Wow…amazing grace, proudly associated with all the beautiful souls of EAC, I call it my family, because the bond and care we have for eachother has no other definition…
Truly Said, the world wd be a better place, if we all stopped seeing eachother as competitors…and start rooting for eachother…
I know people who have your money, you know people who have my money…when these two heads join…amazing things happen…
Now imagine 50 members each rooting for eachother…the awareness, the sales, the knowledge is beyond measure…I love you EAC..and Patricia, you are indeed a true member of EAC…amazing write up
Great article Patricia. Keep winning
Thank you
Simply September is a proud member of EAC. Patricia you have written about EAC so beautifully.
Thank you, Simply September. We are rooting for each other
Proud member of EAC. Very beautiful write up..am inspired. Thanks Patricia
Aaahhh yes, who as our money!!
This is a great article Patricia. I am a member too and proudly associated.
Let’s keep winning!!
So proud of this amazing team of business minded people.
I know!!!
Feels good being a part of EAC, the sky is the limit. Thank you
It is an amazing feeling. EAC forever!
And am proud to be a member of EAC, thanx dea for this, it’s a greatful writeup with passion.
EAC is full of passionate people. Thank you for reading
Thank you so much……such an inspiration
Thank you for reading. EAC oyee!