It’s very hard trying to dream when so many of my dreams have been crushed and stamped on. I had dreams of being married and living happily ever after. Yes,I am a hopeless romantic at heart! ❤️. My dreams of being a designer just seemed so far-fetched and so I kicked it to the side. I dreamt of speaking to thousands of people,especially ladies,inspiring them to follow their dreams no matter the circumstances they find themselves in,no matter how life decides to write their stories.
I dreamt of being an author of a number of best selling books- fiction and non-fiction. I dreamt of having a home by the lake on five acres of land where I would grow my own herbs,vegetables and some fruits. Yes,I dreamt about so many things and they seemed to come in my mind but the reality was far from it.

“ Live the Life of your dreams:Be brave enough to live the life of your dreams according to your vision and purpose instead of the expectations and opinions of others”
The light of the Heart- Roy T Bennett
Vision Board. What?
But with all the disappointments,I decided I was not going to waste my time dreaming and just move with the flow. Whatever happens, so be it. And there lay my biggest problem- because that is exactly what happened. Because I didn’t dream for anything,that’s what I got- NOTHING!!! So many times,you listen to these motivational speakers or even read their books and they keep saying,” MAKE A VISION BOARD! And I am like, Seriously??what will a vision board do for me? So I cut up a couple of pictures and stick them on a board to represent my vision for my future and I think that will do something for me??!!! Like really??!!
But you see, it’s not just a board. It’s you imagining what you would like in your future but this is an actual real representation. It’s not in your mind! It’s something you wake up and see and say to yourself- This is what I want for my future. This is all my hopes and dreams and fantasies right before my eyes. It’s you saying,’This is a possibility.’ This can actually happen. This is you saying, ‘My dreams matter and they may not look like anyone else’s,they may not be conventional but they are mine.’

“ A dream is a wish your heart makes,When you’re fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for,you keep Have faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come smiling through No matter how your heart is grieving,if you keep on believing The dream that you wish will come true.”
A dream is a wish your hearts makes-Cinderella ~Lily James
Dreaming Again..
So I am back to square one and it’s ok. I am going to dream again. I am going to pull out all my journals and brush the dust off. Read page by page and remember the me that used to dream. Remember the dreams I had in a time long past. Remember the fairytales I created in my mind and some on paper. Remember a time when I thought that all was possible. I am going to build some castles in the air. And then,I am going to build the foundation and structure. Yes,I am going to dream again. That’s who I am. This is me!

I have an idea