Rising like a Skyscraper
It was not intentional that I joined a mentorship group for women. To be honest, it kinda just happened. I had gone to attend a course on generosity- yes,you read that right and believe me,that is a story for another day. But anyway,I digress. So I go for this course and as it was ending, a lady I had known tells me that she owed me something. And I thought,Me? I think she saw the confusion on my expression so she says,” Sorry,maybe I made a mistake”.
In true Patricia style, I said,” Absolutely not.” I was not going to lose a debt- whatever it may be,even if it wasn’t for me. She then explained that I had asked for information of a session she was conducting and then I remembered. I mean it was a year ago but anyway she goes on to say that she is launching something new and if I would be interested. We exchanged contacts and that was that…….many weeks later,sixteen weeks to be exact and here I am,having completed New Generation Mentoring Program.
New Generation Mentoring Program is a Mentoring program designed to help women unlock their potential and be unstoppable. We were a group of sixteen women who encouraged,fought for and pushed each other to be the best versions of ourselves.It is actually true what they say- When the student is ready, the teacher appears. This lady,Noeline Kirabo became my teacher/mentor, a teacher on life or maybe a teacher on helping me discover me.

“ I am afraid of taking steps that are not on the map,but by taking those steps despite my fears, I have a much more interesting life.” Pablo Coelho
One of the assignments she gave was to create a life map. I can not begin to explain to you how hard that assignment was. It was to include my highest and lowest points in my journey of life. I cant believe how much I cried as I did that assignment. I didn’t cry because it was painful. I cried for the me that was. I cried for all the pain and sorrow I had gone through.
Only as I did that assignment, did I realize that the most defining life experiences I had were at the lowest points in my life. Times when I would cry myself to sleep,times where I dreaded the night because I am left alone with no distractions but myself. I have already alluded to some of these experiences like losing my father, going through a heartbreak and battling sickness after sickness.
These experiences shaped my life and I am going to go out out on a limb here and say they made me better. As painful as they were, the lessons I learnt could never be taught or learnt in a classroom. No,these lessons had to be lived through.

“ You can take everything I have. You can break everything I am. Like I’m made of glass,Like I’m made of paper. Go on and tear me down. I will be rising from the ground. Like a skyscraper,like a skyscraper.” Skyscraper ~ Demi Lovato
Making that life map was cathartic. I cried. I purged. I accepted and most of all, I released. Those experiences broke me. I’d even go so far to say that they crushed me- my spirit and self-esteem and yet in the midst of the pieces of me, a wind blew and slowly by slowly, I with the help of God and many angels like my mentor,Noeline Kirabo was able to carefully mold these pieces back together.
The Life Map was just one of the very many lessons that Noeline gave us. We went from developing a life map to goal setting to creating a personal board of directors- Yep,you heard me right? Yours truly has a personal board of directors. Mentorship is usually seen through tainted lenses because we do not understand what it means to sit at the feet of someone who has nothing but your best interest at heart. But Oprah was so clear when she said…….
“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside of you.” Oprah Winfrey.

Noeline did that for me. I began to see myself in a different light despite the different chapters of pain and loss in my story. She made me see that not all was lost. That I could and would rise up as a Phoenix beneath the ashes of a life I once thought to be true. She gave me hope,a reason to keep on,was honest and told me that it’s a process and it would take time.
And indeed it is taking time but I don’t want to miss out on any piece in the process because that would mean starting all over again. And no, I am not doing a retake!! I refuse,totally and completely so yes, it’s gonna take time but I assure you, I will be rising because that’s who I am. This is me!
Through this mentoring program, I have been able to launch my business, This is Me! This very blog is testament to the power that sixteen weeks can have on a person,to the influence that one person can yield when she gives of herself to others. Noeline Kirabo did that and she did it for FREE. Yes, she mentored,encouraged,gave of her time and expertise and pushed sixteen women for sixteen weeks for FREE. If that’s not the definition of an angel, I don’t know! I have gone through a life transformation journey because of this lady. She has touched my life forever.

“Did you ever know that you’re my hero?
You’re everything I wished I could be
I could fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings.”
Wind beneath my wings~ Bette Midler
Noeline Kirabo, Apwoyo Tutwal,Asante Sana, Webale Nnyo!
Just reading this great piece Pat changes a life. Thank you and Fly higher.
Thank you Carol
This is beautiful Patricia. Kudos
Thank you Aidah. I am blushing….hahaha
Eloquently put! @Patricia ????????????
Thank you so much Elena.