When I started this 100 days journey, I had no clue how it was going to go. You can check out the previous posts on the journey. Anyway, I was just allowing life to unfold and take me on the ride of my life. Figuring out how in you, I live. Literally! Haha! I knew there would be some ups and downs but I didn’t think I would fall sick and get hospitalised for a week. It was such an interesting week in the hospital.
For one, it was the time I asked myself but why Patricia do you always keep things to the last moment? What is this thing of working with pressure on deadlines? Like you do not want to finish things before?
I would always say I work well under pressure. And I do, I really do but now imagine being in hospital and the deadline is that day and you didn’t finish the work and you are doped up on meds and still have to work on your hospital bed. Then and there I vowed to be different. Haha! Ok ok I say this all the time but this time I am serious. No more unseriousness. I even spent the week watching youtube videos on productivity and time management.
These 100 days are going to see me. The adjective to my name will not just be passionate but also productive. Cheeeeiiii!!
For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’
Acts 17:28 NIV
But I did have a lot of time to think on that hospital bed. I mean after I had sent in the deadline and worked on a few stuff, I really had nothing to do but be. Isnt that what living is all about? To Be….and yet most times all we think about is what can we do? We are not called Human doings but Beings. But what does it mean to live? To be? I can come up with all sorts of things- I can call it passion or purpose or life plan which is all true but where do all of these come from?
Some call it fate, the universe but I call Him God. The creator of all things in the heaven and earth. It has taken awhile..Ok I jest….a llloonngg while to come to this place where I truly acknowledge him for who he is.
In you I live
He is Baba. Daddy. Father. And sometimes I forget or I ignore that fact. But slowly I am coming to the place of acknowledgement, of understanding that I am simply nothing without him. In Him, I live, I move and have my being. It is a journey. One I think everything should go through. In this series, I will be talking about LIVE. LAUGH. LOVE. In Live, it is all about life, how we can envision our lives and plan for it but if I do not recognise the giver of life, I am doing myself and others a huge disservice.
Today I ask you to remember the one who gave you life for truly it is only in him, that we can live, laugh and love.
Please share with us how you define your life? Let’s connect!!
A favourite song you shared there… At the end of the day we are so frail without God. Can’t wait to walk this journey with you to the end. Kudos for what you doing…it’s productivity indeed.
Being healthy is a blessing and we should always be grateful for it.
I’m glad you’re better now.
Sending you warm hugs and kisses!????????
Hhiiiii thank you. I receive all the hugs and kisses. haha
Patricia! I’m so glad you have been discharged.
I once found myself doing assignments on a hospital bed and well, it was pathetic. ????
I hope you achieve your goal to stop doing things last minute. ????
I believe our entire existence is because of and found in God. That’s where it all begins.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Thank you so much. I am so happy to be home. yyyooo I really need to stop…all this week I am just catching up on things I could have finished 3 weeks ago..aaaahhh! Yep, all starts with God!!
It is a journey, a marathon not a sprint. Do today what you need to do today Tim because that’s the opportunity given to you. Tomorrow is in the hands of the maker.
Thanks Ms. Opio. I love thought provoking articles and this is just it.
Hi Tim, thank you for passing by. haha! ooohh thought provoking? I like that..haha! Tomorrow is in the hands of the maker. Word!!