So #Augustrush challenge by @ugbloc_uganda rolls in and I had completely forgotten about it till the one and only @Benjamin_Watch posts about it. ( goes African and puts hands on head in shock) hahaha.
Lo and behold,the topic for the day is about My Bucket List. First and foremost,yes I do have a bucket list and when I say it is a list,you had better believe it. After watching Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson in ‘The Bucket List’,I was inspired to be serious and write my own.

But why was I inspired to write a bucket list? As previously mentioned in my blog posts,I have sickle cell anaemia and for some reason,the past couple of years has been really hard. I had been in and out of hospital almost every two weeks. What was more frustrating was that I would be in so much excruciating pain and they would give me painkillers that normally would work like magic but this time, they would completely refuse so I would be there in hospital in pain and the meds do not work and the medics can not add more lest it throws me into a cardiac arrest and I die.
When you are alone,in pain, it’s inevitable that you would contemplate your life. One night when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, I asked God to call me home. I then promptly fell asleep. Imagine my shock waking up the next morning, and I was still here but thankfully,in God’s infinite power, the pain started reducing.
“Design a life you are inspired to live.”
Annette White
I decided there and then that I was going to explore life to the fullest in whatever way I could. Live my best life so that when I do go home to my Father in heaven, I would have no regrets. And thus the bucket list came to play. I wrote down everything and anything I wanted to be,do and have. Yes,it was in those categories.And so that is exactly what I will share- one from each category.
This is to explain something about a person,a thing or state. Simply,it is to exist. Now I will be the first to admit that I wanted to be many things. I still want to be many things and it was hard choosing what to write down here: the one thing that exists in my soul but for this challenge, I want to be a multi passionate creative purposepreneur. Haha! You have seen that,right? So what am I passionate about? I am passionate about people, brands, stories,creativity,potential and of course Africa. So I am and will be working around these various passions and designing the stories around them with the creative economy as the engine.
So why would I be doing this? It’s about purpose. It is my purpose. It has taken me years and a lot of pain to come to this point but now I am able to embrace my story to make a positive impact in Africa through the creative economy. A Purposepreneur is ‘a person who creates a business from a purposeful awakening through their life experiences or passions. Often that awakening comes through pain to wake you up.’
Well, the pain was there and I have definitely been woken up so onwards and upwards,I go.

What does it mean to ‘do’? To perform an action. Ooohhhh so what do I want to do? I want to ride a Red Ducatti. The Multistrada 1260 S Grand Tour. This bike according to Ducatti is more than just a bike. It takes you into a brand new ‘comfort zone’ where the pleasure of driving becomes a sense of well being,traveling is turned into an experience and performance becomes pure emotion. Guys,those are not my words but the words of the creator of this awesome bike. And what am I going to do with it?
Well, I am going to tour Africa. Yes, you heard me. I am going to tour the 54 countries of Africa and experience the culture,the food,the music of each nation and knowing myself,there is definitely going to be some storytelling through a book and a documentary. I mean,why not?

To hold or own or possess. I want to have or to be more accurate design a sanctuary for creative expression in Africa. I have had this on my bucket list for years. A place where any creative be it under the different sectors of the creative economy: heritage,The Arts, Media and Functional creations can call home. A place where your creativity is allowed to run free and blossom. A place where you embrace your story,harness it and unleash it to the world. A place where creatives can collaborate with other creatives creating products and services that not only impacts the world but themselves. A place for a creative to BE!

Well guys,this is my bucket list. Thank you so much for according me the opportunity to dream again. Let me dust off my bucket list journal and ignite this journey and hey,maybe in five to ten years to come,I might be here telling you of how I ticked off the list because This is Me!