Dear Me

Dear Me

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Well, blogging started as an online journal so I guess this is the best place for me to journal. It’s been a while since I blogged. I just haven’t been feeling it. I guess this entire year I haven’t been feeling it or is it the year hasn’t been feeling me?

I am lost! I have no other words to describe where I am. I am numb and I am lost and I am pouring myself out on this blog.

I don’t know how long it will last but when I can I will blog so I am not making any promises.

I am embarked on 40 days of loving me but I still do not know if I will even follow that. oooh, Patricia, you let yourself go. You have put on so much weight. Imagine you are now 68kgs. You put on 10kgs in three years. How did that happen? well, I guess it was one kg at a time.

I am sad but I do not feel it because I drown myself in k-dramas but those rare moments do come when I burst into tears but I do find a way to push the tears back…

40 days to the end of 2022 and I have nothing to show for it.

Sharing is caring!

About the author

Kajambo, Hello Everyone! Let me tell you a little bit about myself..... I am a multi-passionate Creative Storypreneur, Designer, Creative Consultant and Creativity Coach with a mission to inspire and empower creators- individuals and brands to embrace their stories to unlock their creative potential to design their authentic, purpose-driven brands. I am also the Founder and Creative Director of This is Me!, a digital platform that takes on the role of bringing my mission to life. I love color and all things creative! Well, This is me!

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