Today is my birthday and I had a whole plan for this week. When I say, I had a whole plan, I mean I had a whole ppplllaaaannnn!! This plan developed over the course of the months. I do not usually plan for my birthdays. They just happen!! Haha but this time, I was going to do it in style. God and I had a deal and I wanted to go away for a personal retreat during the week… So that was loosely on my mind as I was planning this…and then an amazing lady Cabrine gifted me four days at The Brovad Lodge Ssese with the works- activities, spa package. You guys, I was so excited. I was like God, you and I are in sync. This is it!
Since I work as a freelance creative consultant, I could work from anywhere but I refused. I finished up three weeks of work in one week. People,we can do anything we set our minds to. Before I would be saying Oh my God, I am so busy but I packed three weeks of work in one week so that I did not have to think of any work and the next week was to schedule all the deliverables. The week before was even planned. New hair do! Nails on spot!! Guys, I planned! Hey, I was even debating if I should go with my phone. My laptop was allowed because I was going to write more pages to my book- Yes, stay tuned!! A book is coming out this November!!

Well, I wake up about 2am 10 days before my birthday feeling a twinge in my limbs. I was like what?? This can not be- a sickle cell crisis now…I really debated going to clinic or not until I was like just go and get the pain sorted out chap chap so that you are great in a couple of days and ready to go. I rush to the clinic and wow, it just escalated from there.
I do not even understand how because even as it was happening, I was like wwwhhaatt no!! Before I knew it, they called an ambulance to take me to the hospital….reaching there, all sorts of gadgets are being put on me and they are like sorry but it is intensive care unit for you. I am like what? But yes, I am pain but really? They are like yes, your oxygen levels are too low. I am like what?
And there I stayed for four days wondering how all my plans just turned on me. It is one thing to be in intensive care when you are unconscious and another when you are conscious. I couldn’t do anything. They fed me, bathed me. I was like a child and looking up to the heavens wondering how did all my plans just evaporate into smoke?
I was later released into the inpatient ward,thankfully I have an insurance cover that is simply awesome- Thank you Family. Thank you Liberty!! I got my own private room which I must say is nice- has its own sitting area, caretakers bed, balcony, tv, fridge, all ensuite. It really is nice. Then I had the best medics a person could ever ask for. Thank you International Hospital Kampala. You guys have looked after my family so very well from the very day you opened your doors. I can not even imagine going to another hospital. You have become family! Like seriously guys, I was entertained by these medics. They care truly from their hearts. Because of them, my stay was so much better.

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, Never settle for the path of least resistance, Livin’ might mean takin’ chances, but they’re worth takin’, Lovin’ might be a mistake, but it’s worth makin’ Don’t let some Hellbent heart leave you bitter, When you come close to sellin’ out reconsider, Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance, And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance. I hope you dance… I hope you dance.
I hope you dance~ LeAnn Rhimes
Well, the pain played pinky-ponky for a while. I was being discharged, it comes back and then I am not till I told my doctors. It is ok. I will stay but best be sure June 8th, I will not be here. Well, I was discharged yesterday and today is my birthday and no plan had worked.
What am I advocating for here? LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST EACH DAY. CARPE DIEM means Seize the Day. I know that there is the saying YOLO- you only live once and people have taken it differently but seize the day really means live life to the fullest this very day,now, TODAY!! breaks it down here- “For those who love history, carpe diem was first used in a poem in “Odes Book I,” by the poet Horace in 23 BCE. The quote in Latin is as follows: “Dum loquimur, fugerit invida aetas. Carpe diem; quam minimum credula postero.” Loosely translated, Horace said, “While we’re talking, envious time is fleeing, pluck the day, put no trust in the future.” While Williams translated carpe diem as “seize the day,” it may not be linguistically accurate. The word “carpe” means to “pluck.” So in a literal sense, it means, “to pluck the day.”
Think of the day as a ripened fruit. The ripened fruit is waiting to be picked. You have to pluck the fruit at the right time and make the most of it. If you delay, the fruit will go stale. But if you pluck it at the right time, the rewards are innumerable.
I was supposed to drinking a mojito on the shores of Lake Victoria whilst having a massage but I am here writing this post on my bed wondering what I will have for breakfast- come on it is not that bleak.I am going to order Javas- a chicken salad croissant. I love that thing! Someone decided to bless me.
I am replanning my entire month. I had just looked at having a birthday week. Now I am having a birthday month. Still going to do my hair- and if you know me, it is a thing. I would rather have a bald head than be bothered with hair. Having a whole photoshoot! I mean why not!! And then replan my retreat. I am going to do something simple or spectacular each day.
May we not wait for big occasions like our birthdays to do something for ourselves. May we seize each day!! Take a walk, watch a sunrise, cook a great meal or like me, order in. Pick a flower- do not wait for a bouquet. Live life to the fullest TODAY! CARPE DIEM- SEIZE THE DAY!

Happy Birthday Patricia!!!
Have an awesome month and an amazing new year!
Thank you so much
Thank you for this reminder and I’m surely going to seize my moment.
Happiest birthday Darling Patricia!
God’s definitely got plans for you!
Haha!! Thank you! I totally believe it!
The positivity in this post!
Happy birthday to you love
You are awesome!
OOOhhhh thank you so much!!
Happy birthday month girl!
Thank you so much!!
Oh I know about birthday plans???????? made mine too and they didn’t go exactly as planned. Shows that we really shouldn’t wait for the big days.
Happy birthday – birth month, Patricia.
Haha!!! And then when you don’t plan, it turns out fabulous. Oh well!! Let me carpe diem! Haha
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PATRICIA. You are going to bless many lives.
THank you so much my sister from another mother!!
Happy birthday Patricia…. enjoy your day to the fullest. And thanks for the advice ????. I really should take it
Haha!! Thank you Lizzie
Happy Birthday Patricia! May this whole birth month be amazing for you! ♥️
Thank you so much. Yyyeeee! I totally receive that.
Life is a cake… Bake it ????????
Here’s to living our best lives
Haha!! Wow!! Guess we are adding this to the speaking repertoire. Haha!!
Yes… Have a birthday month.
Why not
Grateful to God for your life
Hahaa!! You know!! Exactly!!! Thank you so much