Breaking Me to Be More

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When I read the great commission that Jesus gave to ALL of us,not some of us,not a selected few but ALL of us, I was confused. I was like,” God,do you want me to preach to nations? Are you saying that I should be in full time ministry?” It was just too much for me to handle so I simply would read it and move on because I just did not understand it. 

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you and lo,I am with you always,even to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV

Then in my mentoring program, we were told to write out our personal mission statements. That too was confusing because I had snippets and I could not see them coming together to make a coherent statement. I was and still am passionate about two groups of people,two different kinds of things so how would I go about making a mission statement that encompasses all without me feeling like I have left out one over the other. It took time. It took reflection. But finally I was able to pen something down according to a process we were shown.

It is still work in progress but I will share it with you and later on in years to come,we will see how it has evolved because that is what it’s all about- working through it,adding,subtracting till something comes out that makes your heart jump for joy and sing. My personal mission statement is, I am a creator who inspires and empowers creatives and brands to embrace their stories to fulfill their creative potential.”  This speaks about me now. I realize that I am an evolving woman but for now, this is it and to be honest, I don’t think it will change much.

Credit: New Breed Marketing


When I read it and then I read the Great Commission that Jesus left us with,I asked myself- How do these two come together? How do I fulfill the great co-mission~ a mission where all of us are part of through my personal mission? Because I am a unique person. So are you. God created us differently with various gifts, passions, abilities, personalities and experiences. All this is supposed to come together and create varied personal missions that we all work at so that together the great commission is accomplished.

“ It’s time for us to live the songs we sing. And turn our good intentions into action. To bring the kind of worship you desire. And move beyond our self-absorbed distractions. The mountains are shaking. Could this be a great awakening. Break our hearts with the things that break Yours,wake us up to see through your eyes. Break our hearts with the things that break yours. And send us out to shine in the darkness. Here I am,send me. To be your hands and feet. Here I am,send me,I will go”

Break our hearts~ Vicky Beeching

It is easy to sing the songs and dance to the tunes but when you listen,really listen to the lyrics, you realize it is a declaration. Asking our Lord to break our hearts so that we may be more like Him. That we may love more like Him, serve more like Him. Declaring that we are going to partner with Him in the great commission. That no matter what, we make a stand to be His hands and feet and go and make disciples of nations. You are called to be a disciple maker. I am called to be a disciple maker. Will you join me and answer the call? I have. Because that’s who I am. This is me!




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About the author

Kajambo, Hello Everyone! Let me tell you a little bit about myself..... I am a multi-passionate Creative Storypreneur, Designer, Creative Consultant and Creativity Coach with a mission to inspire and empower creators- individuals and brands to embrace their stories to unlock their creative potential to design their authentic, purpose-driven brands. I am also the Founder and Creative Director of This is Me!, a digital platform that takes on the role of bringing my mission to life. I love color and all things creative! Well, This is me!

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